Passivhaus & Low Energy Building Design
NuPlanet Sustainable Solutions has a passion for low energy building design which has led us to becoming accredited as Passivhaus Consultants and Designers.
Passivhaus is a design philosophy aimed at significantly increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, whilst lowering the overall energy demand by reducing the air permeability and heat loss from the building fabric.
As sustainable design consultants we are committed to exploring the potential for Passivhaus buildings across the UK.
Our consultants are able to support architects through the process of a Passivhaus project. Our solid understanding of building physics and the building services required for a successful Passivhaus design, complement the holistic process of collaborative low energy design.
We are also big supporters of other low energy building standards such as the AECB Building Standard which follows PassivHaus principles but is designed to be a low risk option using off the shelf products. This echo’s our belief that low energy well designed buildings do not have to cost any more than more conventional projects.